Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I get gas connection to my home?

First contact your nearest office where you will be advised on the procedure, cost that may be required and other things. Normally you will have to fill up a prescribed application form, attach two copies of attested passport size photo, documentary evidence of ownership of land, engagement of enlisted category 1.1 contractor of Jalalabad Gas , receipt of purchasing application form , a sketch map showing existing low pressure gas line and layout of the proposed gas line. Once a completed application is received, concerned office will conduct survey , prepare a demand note and it will be issued. Demand note will show you connection fee, security money , cost for extra pipe line in excess of three meters which is given free and other cost component applicable for your particular case and thus the total amount payable within six months to the designated bank. Click here for updated rules and documents required to take gas connection (in Bangla Version).

2. Where can I get Application Form?

From the nearest gas office called Regional Distribution Office (RDO) . Telephone Numbers may be obtained by clicking "Telephone Numbers" button on the left . You will have to deposit a fee for it in a designated bank. Keep the receipt of deposit since you will have to attach it with your completed application form. However a sample application form may be also downloaded from this website by clicking Application Form on the left side of this page.

3. Is it mandatory to employ an enlisted contractor ?

Yes it is. Enlisted contractors have necessary skills, well-trained qualified technicians ,fitters  and other specialized equipments. These all together ensure safety for gas installation in your home, hotel, restaurant , factory or elsewhere. There are different categories of contractor for different type of works as described below :

Sl No | Type of Works | Category of Contractor
1 | Domestic connection | 1.1
2 | Hotel, Restaurant, metered colony and other commercial connection | 1.2
3 | Industry, Tea garden , Brick field and other bulk customers | 1.3

4. What is a demand Note?

A demand note is a statement of money, with detail breakup, payable to Jalalabad Gas in order to get gas connection. It shows different components of expenses such as connection fee, cost for service �pipe line, security deposit etc. It neither includes expenses for internal pipe lines nor amount payable to your employed contractor. However, once a demand note is issued, it is an indication that Jalalabad Gas is satisfied with the documents you submitted and also there is a nearby gas line to satisfy your requirement. It however may not give you guarantee that you are going to get gas connection for such reasons such as your neighbors may raise objection or due to litigation beyond the control of Jalalabad Gas.

5. In case of Emergency where can I contact?

In case of fire outbreak, you should immediately contact with the nearest fire brigade office, and then contact Gas office for help. However if the fire outbreak is severe and if you have clear idea, you can you use a wrench to shutdown the locking cock located in the riser ( gas pipe line projecting upward from the ground probably around your main entry gate). It is therefore wise to keep telephone numbers of fire brigade office and gas office at hand. Telephone numbers of gas office may be seen and printed by clicking Telephone Numbers button from the left side of this page and also from your gas bill book as well.

6. What are the documents required to get gas connection?

Normally you will have to fill up a prescribed form, attach two copies of attested passport size photo, documentary evidence of ownership of land, engagement of enlisted category 1.1 contractor of Jalalabad Gas , receipt of purchasing application form , a sketch map showing existing low pressure gas line and layout of the proposed gas line.  Click here for updated rules and documents required to take gas connection (in Bangla Version).

7. How much time it may take to get gas connection?

As soon as you submit your completed application along with the required papers and engage an enlisted contractor and upon initial scrutiny if it is found that the application  contains required information , a supervisor/surveyor of the local office will conduct a survey within a week in most cases and will issue a demand note if there is no apparent problem otherwise you will be advised of  further requirements. However if a demand note is issued and you submit the money mentioned in the demand note in a designated bank ,your name will be in the list for potential customers waiting in a queue for construction of riser by an engaged contractor of Jalalabad Gas. This contractor normally serves three to five offices of Jalalabad Gas  rotationally one after another and on the basis of number of customers waiting in the queue .So depending on this circumstance , you may have to wait between one and four months normally for gas connection. Please note that before construction of riser , your internal gas line must be completed and pressure checked by your engaged contractor based on the layout drawing approved by the concerned Jalalabad Gas office. Otherwise authority may refuse to construct the riser though you have submitted the money mentioned in the demand note.

8. What may be the cost to get gas connection?

Cost to take gas connection varies depending on many factors such as distance of your home from low pressure gas line, owner of road or type of road where service gas line will be laid etc. The cost may be divided into two types: amount payable directly to Jalalabad Gas and the amount you pay to contractor including cost of materials for internal gas line (mainly GI pipe and fittings). In addition to this , depending on situation, you may have to pay fee for road cutting permission to Roads and Highway department, City corporation, municipality , union parishad etc. This fee depends on how much road will be cut , whether it is metallic or non-metallic( Kacha) and also whether it is along the road or crossing the road .Amount you pay to Jalalabad Gas includes connection fee, security money which is equal to three month's gas bill , cost for pucca road cutting if applicable , cost for canal or road crossing where necessary ,cost for extra  service pipeline and erection thereof. Connection fee includes cost of a service-tee ,three meter 3/4 inch MS pipe , a locking cock, a regulator and the erection of riser. This connection fee is heavily subsidized by the company. So it is very difficult to give actual cost that may be required. To give you an idea , a major part of our customers pay Tk.10,000 to Tk.50,000 to Jalalabad Gas  and an equal amount may be required for the cost of  materials of internal line along with charge payable to contractor. You can always ask a contractor to prepare an estimate for gas connection and also bargain among the contractors. You can contact local office for names of enlisted contractors if it is not known to you. Also ,local gas office officials may help you to guess the cost that may be required for gas connection.

9. I don't have a gas line near by , then how can I take gas connection ?

If you don't have a gas line nearby ,it may not be technically feasible and economically viable to take gas connection. You can consider other means of cooking such as cylinder gas, pit coal, bio-gas or traditional means of cooking. However if you are still desperate you can bear the entire cost for service line then Jalalabad Gas may conduct a survey to give you an idea about the cost involvement. If there is good number of potential customers on way to your home then the total cost may be equally or proportionately shared by your neighbors. In such cases company may often, at its sole discretion, may provide some subsidy if certain prescribed conditions are met. You can contact local office for such subsidy as well as for the detail procedure.

10. What is the difference among domestic, commercial and industrial connections?

Same gas is used for different purposes such as for family cooking, in hotel /restaurant, industrial purposes , power production ,fertilizer production, CNG etc. But depending on uses, price of gas varies .So purpose of use of gas is important .At present price of gas in domestic use  is lower than that of commercial , and industrial price is also lower than that of commercial . Sometimes it  becomes confusing whether certain type of use is commercial or industrial. Contact your nearest gas office for clarification. If you are planning to establish a firm and it requires gas ,it is often a good idea to know what are the conditions required to be considered as industrial consumer since its use is cheaper than commercial type of use. Since rate differs depending on use , it is not legal to use gas in  different way other than its approved way.

11. I have taken a leased land , can I take gas connection there ?

Yes , you can. But you are required to complete additional formalities. Depending on particular condition , a No Objection Certificate (NOC) may be required and also you may have to deposit additional security money.

12. Can I take Bill clearance certificate from Jalalabad Gas?

Jalalabad Gas issues bill clearance certificate at the end of each financial year and also at the end of calendar year. This certificate indicates that up to the mentioned date in the certificate, there is no bill due or if any, it is mentioned there. If you have not got such one, you can contact to the concerned gas office for such certificate.

13. I have a domestic connection. Can I use it to produce cakes/bakeries for my shop in front of my home?

Every type of connection has a specific class meaning gas can be only used for specific purpose. Therefore it is not legal to produce anything for commercial purpose from a domestic gas connection.

14. When and how my gas line may be disconnected?

  • Non payment of gas bill for more than three months.
  • For unauthorized use of gas
  • For public safety
  • Due to court order for any reason
  • Unauthorized change of ownership of the land on which riser is erected.
  • If you are a defaulter customer of the company elsewhere within the company’s jurisdiction

15. I live in a home that belongs to me along with other brother and sister. How can I take gas connection?

In addition to normal procedure, you will have to submit a heredity certificate from UP Chairman or ward commissioner and No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your brothers and sisters.

16. I live outside Bangladesh, how can I take gas connection in my home in Bangladesh?

You can give power of attorney to a person who can act in favor of you for all the formalities of gas connection. This power of attorney, if made in a foreign country, then it shall have to be attested by high commission or embassy of Bangladesh in that country and shall be submitted along with the application.

17. I have a hotel/company with several owners. How can I take gas connection?

Gas connection may be given to a legal entity based on sole ownership, partnership deed or formed under Company Act 1913 or 1994.In every case, deeds or Articles of association and memorandum shall have such clause that indicates that liabilities will be borne by each partner or director totally and severely in case of limited company or gas company will have first priority over the assets in case of liquidation for a public limited company. In case of such legal entity, the person who will represent the firm/company  and will sign on behalf of , must also be written either in partnership deed , articles of association or resolution shall be passed to that effect.

18. Is it legal to share a burner between two families?

A non-metered domestic connection with a single or double burner is given to an undivided family. So it is not legal to share a burner between families. Even if you give sublet some portions of your flat and a single kitchen exists , there should be a separate burner for each of the family.

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